Harrison Ford Smuggled Himself Into a Force Awakens Preview Screening

Harrison Ford, cynical scoundrel–cum–reluctant hero both in- and outside of the Star Wars universe, has made yet another charming appearance on his Force Awakens victory lap of a press tour. According to NME, Han Solo himself popped up in a preview screening of 10 minutes of The Force Awakens in
Sydney, Australia — and nobody recognized him, because why would you expect Harrison Ford to show up unannounced to your preview screening? "At the conclusion of 10 breakneck minutes of footage from the notoriously secretive film, Ford stood up out of his seat," the Australian publication BMag reports, "As if by magic, a spotlight hit the actor, who promised the audience that there was plenty more where that came from, and asked us to keep our lips sealed." And then, as if he was suddenly taking part in a Very Special Episode of a cheesy ’90s superhero show, Ford turned to the audience and said: "Let’s make a deal — don’t tell your friends what you’ve seen here today."
With a whoosh sound, we can only assume, Harrison Ford then disappeared into the night.


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