Words From A depressed A Soul By Issa and Wei-lee

ISSA: What is depression???, its so depressing
Every morning I wake up stressing
Thinking bout the future day blessings
But whenever I open my eyes I sense my conscious anxiety level up

Need to plan my life like A covert op
But when I pop some pills the depression is gone
Oh lord what is happening to your son

This is the pain of a depressed sun

but now night has come, and I don't know what is in the day that I'm running from
My pain is reduced from the pills I  sum, I've this itch to burn down some herbs
Because it will fade my fears,open my ears, twist my hairs
I'm calm as an ocean,forgetting my fears, who left me here I don't care
My mind racked up thinking about what I'm to do
This depression is more than juju

I'm a shallow being,a halo being mehn sorrow stings
I don't have flings
I rarely get things
Girls are overrated to think
Its either they devour you or they make you sink
Either way it still stinks
Horrible thoughts clouds my judgment
Every morning I wake,I wake with sadness
I wake up to darkness, not caused by blindness
But by my depressed mind set

I have few friends that are like me
but they don't seem to like me
I guess my problem is I observe too lightly
And make new friends quickly
Lately I've been thinking deeply
Even my parents fear for me,now I know they care for me
Cos they feel death is next to me


What Is Depression?
*Most people have felt sad or depressed at times. Feeling depressed can be a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles

But when feelings of intense sadness -- including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless -- last for many days to weeks and keep you from functioning normally, your depression may be something more than sadness.






How Do I Know If I Have Depression?

  •   A depressed mood during most of the day, particularly in the morning
  • Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt almost every day
  • Impaired concentration, indecisiveness
  • Insomnia (an inability to sleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost every day
  • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities nearly every day
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (not just fearing death)
  • A sense of restlessness or being slowed down
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain ...
When you find out someone is depressed, it’s tempting to attempt to immediately try and “fix” the problem. However, until the depressed person has given you permission to be their therapist (as a friend or professional), the following responses are more likely to help.
The things that didn’t make me feel worse are words which
1) acknowledge my depression for what it is (No ‘it’s just a phase’)
2) give me permission to feel depressed (No ‘but why should you be sad?’)

Here is the list from contributors 

1. “I love you!”
2. “I Care”
3. “You’re not alone in this”
4. “I’m not going to leave/abandon you”
5. “Do you want a hug?”
6. “I love you (if you mean it).”
7. “It will pass, we can ride it out together.”
8. “When all this is over, I’ll still be here (if you mean it) and so will you.”
9. “Don’t say anything, just hold my hand and listen while I cry.”
10. “All I want to do know is give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on..”
11. “Hey, you’re not crazy!”
12. “May the strength of the past reflect in your future.”
13. “God does not play dice with the universe.” – A. Einstein
14. “A miracle is simply a do-it-yourself project.” – S. Leek
15. “We are not primarily on earth to see through one another, but to see one another through” – (from someone’s sig)
16. “If the human brain were simple enough to understand, we’d be too simple to understand it.” – a codeveloper of Prozac, quoted from “Listening to Prozac”
17. “You have so many extraordinary gifts–how can you expect to live an ordinary life?” – from the movie “Little Women” (Marmee to Jo)
18. “I understand your pain and I empathize”
19. “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself so you don’t need to worry that your pain might hurt me.”
20. “I listen to you talk about it, and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I just can’t imagine how hard it must be.”
21. “I can’t really fully understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion.”
22. “You are important to me.”
23. “If you need a friend….. (and mean it)”

Writer(s): Hung Wei-lee, Issa..
Copyright: Wei-lee Hung's Zone,

Thanks To Ester, Hauwa, Gozky, Sylfer, Dapo and my one and only Valerie. Thank you Lord for your constant blessings! Amen!!
f you're dealing with major depression, helping yourself may feel like a gigantic, insurmountable feat. When getting out of bed in the morning is a victory, you know it's time to get some real help for your depression . . . but how? - See more at: http://www.bandbacktogether.com/how-to-help-someone-depressed/#sthash.1cx20rSO.dpuf


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