Emilia Clarke ‘Can’t Stand’ Gratuitous Sex Scenes; Game of Thrones Showrunners Are Probably Looking at Each Other Like ‘Is She...? You Don’t...? Hmm’

Is Emilia Clarke throwing some shade at her employer? "Sex scenes should be more subtle," the actress of House Targaryen told the Daily Mail. "I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it." The Mother of Dragons went on: "I don’t want to have sex thrown in my face and I’ve always thought the suggestion is so much more titillating than the act itself. Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience. On screen, the subtler the better." This has been the opposite approach than the one taken by Game of Thrones.

A couple of years ago, fellow actress Oona Chaplin prompted speculation that Clarke had asked to no longer do topless scenes when she told the Telegraph, “One of the girls in the show who got her kit off the most in the first couple of seasons now doesn’t at all because she said, 'I want to be known for my acting not for my breasts.'" Whatever the case may be, Clarke is no doubt thankful to be done with the first season when she filmed violent sex scenes. Although, perhaps she fondly remembers Jason Momoa's fluffy, pink sock?


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