Rumored Jay Z–Beyoncé Album Is Coming to Tidal

Tidal has seen better days — well, that's not true ... but maybe it's about to see better days? DJ Skee's beautiful hearsay from last year has an update, courtesy of none other than DJ Skee and his "sources." When discussing the seemingly elitist streaming service on his show, Skee casually said that his sources claim Bey and Jay's joint album is nearing completion and will be released exclusively on Tidal. (Exclusively on Tidal.
This is like Halo for Xbox all over again, SOS.) The producer known as Detail coyly confirmed the album's existence for Billboard earlier this year, and Bey and Jay have already dropped some exclusives on Tidal, so it's not totally far-fetched. But if it's true, there will totally be riots. Or, as Skee says, it'll just leak everywhere but Tidal. Here's hoping this rumored risk pays off.


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