Next Transformers expected in 2017

Since 2007, Transformers fans have never had to wait more than three years for another big-budget installment. And after 2014’s Transformers: Age of Extinction topped a billion dollars across the globe—and broke records in China—fans can expect Paramount to keep to that reliable schedule.
conference call on April 20, CEO Brian Goldner confirmed that the next Transformers movie is expected in theaters in 2017: “We have in fact brought in Akiva Goldsman to lead a group of writers to really create a strategic plan around Transformers. We think there are any number of stories to be told from the brand that has been around for 30 years with amazing
and mythology. We would expect the sequel to the Transformers movie to happen in 2017.” Goldsman, the Academy-Award winning screenwriter of A Beautiful Mind, was brought in to develop a wider universe for Paramount’s blockbusters, comparable to what Disney is doing with Star Wars, with an eye on spin-offs that can keep the franchise fresh and the money rolling in. Paramount had previously targeted 2016 as the next Transformers film’s release date, but Michael Bay is currently preparing to direct his Benghazi movie, 13 Hours. Mark Wahlberg, who joined the franchise with the fourth film, is signed for additional sequels and has expressed an eagerness to get back to work. “I can’t speak for Mr. Bay, but something tells me we’ll be on the set soon,” Wahlberg told MTV.


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